の商品は、弊社に在庫がある場合もございますが、基本的に出版社からのお取り寄せとなります。まれに版元品切・絶版などでお取り寄せできない場合もございますので、恐れ入りますが予めご了承いただけると幸いでございます。メーカー:ケンブリッジ大学出版(JPT)ISBN:9781107646377刊行日:2022/02/01Objective Proficiency Second edition provides official preparation for the revised 2013 Cambridge English: Proficiency exam also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).Objective Proficiency second edition has been fully updated for the revised exam. Its twenty short units provide a wide range of challenging topics and lively stimulating exam preparation. Equally the material presents interesting and motivating material for those studying English at C2-level for career or general purposes. The course covers all parts of the Proficiency exam in detail providing information advice and practice to ensure that students are fully prepared for every aspect of the exam. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus Objective Proficiency includes examples and exercises which tackle typical Proficiency problem areas making it the most authoritative Proficiency preparation course available. The accompanying software is downloadable from the website. NB. Mac users must install Adobe Air and up-to-date Java software before installation.・Objective Proficiency second edition has been fully revised and updated to prepare students for the revised Cambridge English: Proficiency exam (launch: March 213). ・The material has been informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus and shows typical mistakes made by candidates in the exam.・Authentic language examples taken from the Cambridge International Corpus illustrate a wide range of English usage.・Short units to maintain students’ interest give a sense of progress and allow flexible course use.・’Exam Folders’ provide helpful practice and advice for each part of the exam. ・Separate ’Exam Folders’ make the course suitable both for students preparing for the Proficiency exam and for those needing C2 general English study material・1 ’Writing Folders’ give extensive support for the writing paper tasks.・A ’Grammar Folder’ containing explanations and examples complements the inductive approach taken in lessons.・A Self-Study edition is available providing answers to all the exercises detailed explanations highlighted tapescripts and useful cultural background information. 英語 教科書 学校 教材 勉強 参考書 ネイティブ おすすめ テキスト text Cambridge