Rembrandts / Greatest Hits (レンブランツ)


Rembrandts / Greatest Hits (レンブランツ)


2,690 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2006/6/20輸入盤レーベル: Atlantic収録曲: 1.1 Hold on to Something - Great Buildings1.2 Maybe It's You - Great Buildings1.3 Just the Way It Is, Baby1.4 Someone1.5 Save Me1.6 New King1.7 If Not for Misery1.8 Johnny Have You Seen Her?1.9 Rolling Down the Hill1.10 I'll Be There for You (Theme from Friends)1.11 Don't Hide Your Love1.12 Apr: L 291.13 End of the Beginning1.14 This House Is Not a Home1.15 Shakespeare's Tragedy1.16 Long Walk Back1.17 Summertime1.18 Too Late1.19 Too Late1.20 Lost Togetherコメント:Greatest Hits is a compilation album by the American pop rock duo The Rembrandts. All of the songs are in their original forms and are not re-recorded. The first two songs were made by Great Buildings, a band in which Danny Wilde and Phil Solem had been together before they created The Rembrandts.Greatest Hits is a compilation album by the American pop rock duo The Rembrandts. All of the songs are in their original forms and are not re-recorded. The first two songs were made by Great Buildings, a band in which Danny Wilde and Phil Solem had been together before they created The Rembrandts.


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created together Someone Atlantic before