Wayne Krantz / Howie 61


Wayne Krantz / Howie 61


3,290 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2012/4/17輸入盤レーベル: Abstract Logix収録曲: 1.1 Howie 611.2 The Bad Guys1.3 Check Yo Self1.4 I'm Afraid That I'm Dead1.5 Son of a Scientist1.6 Can't Stand to Rock1.7 I'd Like to Thank My Body1.8 U Strip It1.9 Bells1.10 How the West Was Leftコメント:Ever-evolving and improvisational New York guitarist Wayne Krantz has re-invented himself yet again with a stunningly creative recording, and a bold new direction, HOWIE 61, through Abstract Logix Records.Ever-evolving and improvisational New York guitarist Wayne Krantz has re-invented himself yet again with a stunningly creative recording, and a bold new direction, HOWIE 61, through Abstract Logix Records.


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Krantz stunningly guitarist Abstract direction