Charlie Barnet / Barnet Charlie-Collection 1 (チャーリー・バーネット)


Charlie Barnet / Barnet Charlie-Collection 1 (チャーリー・バーネット)


1,990 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2014/5/6輸入盤USレーベル: Acrobat収録曲: 1.1 Growlin'1.2 But Definitely1.3 Emperor Jones1.4 Knockin' at the Famous Door1.5 Scotch and Soda1.6 All-Night Record Man1.7 Cherokee1.8 Count's Idea1.9 Wrong Idea1.10 Clap Hands Here Comes Charlie1.11 Southland Shuffle1.12 So Far, So Good1.13 Wanderin' Blues1.14 Lament for May1.15 Peaceful Valley1.16 Pompton Turnpike1.17 Southern Fried1.18 Scrub Me Mama, with a Boogie Beat1.19 Uptown Blues1.20 Fantasia1.21 Good for Nothin' Joe1.22 Charleston Alley1.23 Afraid to Say Hello1.24 Little John Ordinary1.25 Para Vigo Me Voy2.1 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot2.2 Ponce de Leon2.3 I Like to Riff2.4 Shady Lady2.5 Smiles2.6 That Old Black Magic2.7 Plowin2.8 Things Ain't What They Used to Be2.9 Thoughtless2.10 Victory Walk2.11 Washington Whirligig2.12 Wichita Windstorm2.13 Moose2.14 Great Lie2.15 Skyliner2.16 West End Blues2.17 You Always Hurt the One You Love2.18 Desert Sands2.19 Xango2.20 E-Bob-O-Lee-Bob2.21 Lonesome As the Night Is Long2.22 Zanesville Zohio ZZZ2.23 Dark Bayou2.24 East Side West Side2.25 Caravanコメント:Saxophonist, composer and bandleader Charlie Barnet was one of the major figures of the swing era, scoring many major hits during his active recording career from 1935 to 1949, until he effectively retired. This collection selects recordings from throughout that career, highlighting his distinctive style which eschewed the 'sweet' sound characterised by Glenn Miller, and with one of the first bands to embrace racial integration was an outfit dedicated to having fun, which comes across in his recordings. This great value 50-track 2-CD set deliberately does not duplicate tracks with our existing Fabulous label Charlie Barnet CD "Leapin' At The Lincoln" (FABCD134), so the two products together provide an excellent overview of the work of one of the most successful bandleaders of the big band genre right through to his flirting with the world of bebop in 1947.Saxophonist, composer and bandleader Charlie Barnet was one of the major figures of the swing era, scoring many major hits during his active recording career from 1935 to 1949, until he effectively retired. This collection selects recordings from throughout that career, highlighting his distinctive style which eschewed the 'sweet' sound characterised by Glenn Miller, and with one of the first bands to embrace racial integration was an outfit dedicated to having fun, which comes across in his recordings. This great value 50-track 2-CD set deliberately does not duplicate tracks with our existing Fabulous label Charlie Barnet CD "Leapin' At The Lincoln" (FABCD134), so the two products together provide an excellent overview of the work of one of the most successful bandleaders of the big band genre right through to his flirting with the world of bebop in 1947.


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