Piccinini/Pustilnik / Lute Music


Piccinini/Pustilnik / Lute Music


3,590 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2014/12/9輸入盤レーベル: Accent Records収録曲: 1.1 Saravanda Alla Francese1.2 Corrente IX1.3 Ricercare Primo1.4 Aria Di Saravanda in Varie Partite1.5 Corrente VI1.6 Toccata Cromatica XII1.7 Gagliarda V1.8 Toccata II1.9 Chiaccona Cappona Alla Vera Spagnola1.10 Corrente VII1.11 Toccata VIII1.12 Corrente III1.13 Corrente VI1.14 Corrente VIII1.15 Toccata XIII1.16 Chiaccona Mariona Alla Vera Spagnolaコメント:Alessandro Piccinini, a contemporary of Monteverdi and Frescobaldi, hailed from a Bolognese family of lutenists that made it's mark on Italian musical life for over one and a half centuries. Piccinini's two books of lute works are primarily influenced by the emergent Italian instrumental music, but French and Spanish influences can also be clearly heard. On the present recording, Monica Pustilnik performs selections from both books.Alessandro Piccinini, a contemporary of Monteverdi and Frescobaldi, hailed from a Bolognese family of lutenists that made it's mark on Italian musical life for over one and a half centuries. Piccinini's two books of lute works are primarily influenced by the emergent Italian instrumental music, but French and Spanish influences can also be clearly heard. On the present recording, Monica Pustilnik performs selections from both books.


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influences musical Cromatica influenced Cappona