Evanescence / The Open Door (エヴァネッセンス)


Evanescence / The Open Door (エヴァネッセンス)


2,290 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2006/10/3輸入盤レーベル: Bicycle Music Com.収録曲: 1.1 Sweet Sacrifice1.2 Call Me When You're Sober1.3 Weight of the World1.4 Lithium1.5 Cloud Nine1.6 Snow White Queen1.7 Lacrymosa1.8 Like You1.9 Lose Control1.10 The Only One1.11 Your Star1.12 All That I'm Living for1.13 Good Enoughコメント:Evanescence returns with their sophomore album, THE OPEN DOOR. The album from the two time Grammy Award winning band is defined by Amy Lee's stunning vocals, compelling lyrics and poignant piano. Fused with Terry Balsamo's urgent, intricate guitar work, the music forms a seamless, ethereal mixture that perfectly channels Evanescence's hard rock and classical sensibilities.Evanescence returns with their sophomore album, THE OPEN DOOR. The album from the two time Grammy Award winning band is defined by Amy Lee's stunning vocals, compelling lyrics and poignant piano. Fused with Terry Balsamo's urgent, intricate guitar work, the music forms a seamless, ethereal mixture that perfectly channels Evanescence's hard rock and classical sensibilities.


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Sacrifice stunning intricate urgent compelling