発売日: 2015/11/13輸入盤レーベル: Alpha収録曲: 1.1 Kacena Divoka1.2 Coz Ta Nase Briza1.3 Elegie Na SMRT Dcery Olgy1.4 Predtucha1.5 SMRT1.6 Kantor Halfar1.7 Vlci Stopa1.8 Potulny Silenec1.9 I. Moderato1.10 II. Piu Mosso1.11 III. Con Moto1.12 IV. Allegro1.13 Introduction1.14 Ripa Se Vdavala1.15 Neni Lepsi Jako Z Jara1.16 Leze Krtek1.17 Karel Do Pekla Zajel1.18 Roztrhane Kalhoty1.19 Franta Rasu Hral Na Basu1.20 Nas Pes, Nas Pes1.21 Delam, Delam Kazani1.22 Stara Baba Carovala1.23 Ho, Ho, Kravy Do1.24 Moje Zena Malucicka1.25 Baba Leze Do Bezu1.26 Koza Bila Hrusky Sbira1.27 Nemec Brouk, Hrnce Tlouk1.28 Koza Lezi Na Sene1.29 Vasek, Pasek, Bubenik1.30 Frantiku, Frantiku1.31 Sedel Medvid Na Kolodiコメント:Arguably more known for his operas, the Moravian composer Leos Janacek also wrote choral and instrumental works and Rikadla presents the chamber/choral aspects of Janacek's works unfolding essentially as a survey of his musical development with his early to mid then his astoundingly prolific creativity in the latter years of his life. The conductor Reinbert de Leeuw, with the Collegium Vocale Gent and Het Collectief ensemble present these choral works and instrumental pieces with performances of great poetic energy that contributes to a more rounded appreciation of the legacy of Janacek.Arguably more known for his operas, the Moravian composer Leos Janacek also wrote choral and instrumental works and Rikadla presents the chamber/choral aspects of Janacek's works unfolding essentially as a survey of his musical development with his early to mid then his astoundingly prolific creativity in the latter years of his life. The conductor Reinbert de Leeuw, with the Collegium Vocale Gent and Het Collectief ensemble present these choral works and instrumental pieces with performances of great poetic energy that contributes to a more rounded appreciation of the legacy of Janacek.