発売日: 2017/7/7輸入盤USレーベル: Acrobat収録曲: 1.1 Yesterday's Lovin'1.2 Hangin' Around1.3 Freedom Lovin' Guy1.4 I've Never Seen Anyone1.5 Tennessee Rock 'N' Roll1.6 I Don't Owe You Nothing1.7 Fraulein1.8 (Got a) Heartsick Feeling1.9 My Special Angel1.10 Standing at the End of My World1.11 Jingle Bell Rock1.12 Captain Santa Claus (And His Reindeer Space Patrol)1.13 Just a Little Lonesome1.14 Love My Lady1.15 Jacqueline1.16 Living in the Shadows of the Past1.17 Borrowed Dreams1.18 Schoolboy Crush1.19 The Fool and the Angel1.20 A Hundred Hearts1.21 New River Train1.22 Miss Memory1.23 I Guess I'll Miss the Prom1.24 Soon It Can Be Told1.25 No Other Baby1.26 You're No Longer Mine2.1 Hurry Baby2.2 My Lucky Day2.3 Someone Was Already There2.4 To My Sorrow2.5 I Want to Be with You2.6 Let Me Be the One2.7 Lonely River Rhine2.8 Guess We Thought the World Would End2.9 Sad Eyed Baby2.10 You're the One2.11 How Can You Divide a Little Child2.12 My Greatest Weakness2.13 One Deep Love2.14 Once in a Lifetime2.15 Then Came You2.16 Yesterday's Champagne2.17 If I Only Knew2.18 Far Away Heart2.19 My Shoes Keep Walking Back to You2.20 Sugar Moon2.21 Plaything2.22 The Magic Song2.23 Tonight's the Night2.24 Just a Little Lonesome (Alt. Version)2.25 (Now and Then) There's a Fool Such As I2.26 Most of the Timeコメント:Bobby Helms was one of the new breed of country stars who came to the fore in the late '50s recording material which readily crossed over into the pop charts, as he embraced the smooth Nashville sound and helped bring the genre closer to the mainstream of popular music, to the extent of having hits during the '50s in the UK, rarely a happy hunting ground for country stars. His first two hits were long-running country No. 1s with "Fraulein" and "My Special Angel", both crossing over to the pop charts, the latter making the Top 10 as well as charting in the UK in the face of local cover versions. His third was a landmark classic with the crossover seasonal hit "Jingle Bell Rock" which returned him to the pop and country charts on an annual basis for several years. Over the next few years he racked up a dozen or more further hits, including "No Other Baby" and "Jacqueline" in the UK charts, underlining his distinctive appeal. This great-value 52-track 2-CD set comprises every track he released during this period, whether as an A or B side of a single, on an EP or on his one LP release in that era, and as such it represents a comprehensive anthology from his early career, which encompassed all his significant hits.Bobby Helms was one of the new breed of country stars who came to the fore in the late '50s recording material which readily crossed over into the pop charts, as he embraced the smooth Nashville sound and helped bring the genre closer to the mainstream of popular music, to the extent of having hits during the '50s in the UK, rarely a happy hunting ground for country stars. His first two hits were long-running country No. 1s with "Fraulein" and "My Special Angel", both crossing over to the pop charts, the latter making the Top 10 as well as charting in the UK in the face of local cover versions. His third was a landmark classic with the crossover seasonal hit "Jingle Bell Rock" which returned him to the pop and country charts on an annual basis for several years. Over the next few years he racked up a dozen or more further hits, including "No Other Baby" and "Jacqueline" in the UK charts, underlining his distinctive appeal. This great-value 52-track 2-CD set comprises every track he released during this period, whether as an A or B side of a single, on an EP or on his one LP release in that era, and as such it represents a comprehensive anthology from his early career, which encompassed all his significant hits.