発売日: 2017/6/9輸入盤USレーベル: Alpha収録曲: 1.1 Can She Excuse My Wrongs1.2 What Then Is Love But Mourning1.3 Come Away, Come Sweet Love1.4 Sir John Smith, His Almain - Eric Bellocq1.5 Sorrow, Stay1.6 Burst Forth My Tears1.7 Galliard to Lachrimae - Eric Bellocq1.8 Flow My Tears1.9 The Eglantine Branche - Eric Bellocq1.10 A Shepherd in a Shade1.11 Away with These Self-Loving Lads1.12 The Gilly Flower - Eric Bellocq1.13 Say Love If Ever Thou Didst Find1.14 Almayn - Eric Bellocq1.15 Fine Knacks for Ladies1.16 Awake Sweet Love1.17 I Saw My Lady Weep1.18 Mr Dowland's Midnight - Eric Bellocq1.19 Dear, If You Change1.20 Now, O Now I Needs Must Part1.21 Come Heavy Sleepコメント: