Medtner/Glebsky/Derzhavina / Complete Works For Violin & Piano (2PK)


Medtner/Glebsky/Derzhavina / Complete Works For Violin & Piano (2PK)


2,890 円 (税抜き)

2018/4/20 発売輸入盤レーベル:PROFIL - G HAENSSLER収録曲:ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第1番ロ短調 Op.21 ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第2番ト長調 Op.44 ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第3番 Op.57『エピカ』 舞曲を伴う2つのカンツォーナ Op.43 3つの夜想曲 Op.16ニキータ・ボリソ=グレプスキー(ヴァイオリン)エカテリーナ・デルジャヴィナ(ピアノ)メトネルの創作の大半はピアノ曲ですが、ここでは珍しい彼のヴァイオリン曲をすべて収めています。Works for violin and piano occupy a special place in the compositional output of Nikolay Medtner (1880-1951). He wrote a large number of pieces for piano and voice. Where his chamber music is concerned, however, his emphasis was on the genre of the violin sonata. Medtner wrote three sonatas for violin and piano. They are written, like his one great piano quintet, on an almost symphonic scale. There are also the pieces for violin and piano that Medtner produced while he was working on a violin sonata. Presenting these works is Russian violinist Nikita Boriso-Glebsky. A soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and winner of international music contests, he represented Russia at the Eurovision Young Musicians 2002, which made him a household name in his home country. He is joined by esteemed pianist Ekaterina Derzhavina.


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