発売日: 2018/8/10輸入盤USレーベル: Acrobat収録曲: 1.1 Cow Cow Boogie1.2 He's My Guy1.3 Mister Five By Five1.4 The Thrill Is Gone1.5 Get on Board, Little Children1.6 Shoo Shoo Baby1.7 No Love, No Nothin'1.8 Milkman, Keep Those Bottles Quiet1.9 Tess's Torch Song1.10 The Patty Cake Man1.11 Invitation to the Blues1.12 Hello, Suzanne1.13 Captain Kidd1.14 Ya Betcha1.15 Rip Van Winkle1.16 Buzz Me1.17 The House of Blue Lights1.18 Hey, Mr Postman1.19 Your Conscience Tells You So1.20 Pigfoot Pete1.21 The Merry Ha! Ha!1.22 Hoodle Addle1.23 Pine Top Schwartz1.24 Get Off It and Go1.25 Early in the Morning2.1 Bombo B. Bailey2.2 A Little Further Down the Road a Piece2.3 Tennessee Saturday Night2.4 Blacksmith Blues2.5 Love Me or Leave Me2.6 Oakie Boogie2.7 Sleepin' at the Foot of the Bed2.8 I'm Hog-Tied Over You2.9 Jump Back Honey2.10 Good2.11 Big Mamou2.12 Forty Cups of Coffee2.13 Oh ! You Crazy Moon2.14 Tain't What You Do - It's the Way That Cha Do It2.15 Happy Habit2.16 Money Honey2.17 (We've Reached) the Point of No Return2.18 Lovey Dovey2.19 Smack Dab in the Middle2.20 Livin', Livin', Livin'2.21 Razzle Dazzle2.22 Birmingham2.23 Sing-Ing-Ing-Ing2.24 Won't You Listen to Me Baby2.25 Down in Mexico2.26 Coffee Date2.27 Put Your Arms Around Me Honey2.28 What Good'll It Do Me '2.29 I'm Goneコメント:Ella Mae Morse was one of the first white female singers to successfully and credibly bridge the gap between pop and R&B during the 1940s and is often regarded as a key figure in the early development of rock 'n' roll during that era. She started out as a big bad singer with Jimmy Dorsey's orchestra in 1939 when she was just 14 years old, and in 1942 joined Freddie Slack's band, which had just signed to the fledgling Capitol label. Her first recording with Slack was "Cow-Cow Boogie" which was a Top 10 hit and Capitol's first million-seller. She signed a solo deal with Capitol and over the next decade had a string of pop and R&B hits including Top 10 successes with "Mister Five By Five", "Shoo Shoo Baby", "No Love, No Nothin'", "Milkman Keep Those Bottles Quiet", "The Patty Cake Man" and "The Blacksmith Blues", all of which are included here. This great-value 54-track 2-CD set comprises selected A & B sides from the forty or so singles which she released before she gave up recording in 1957, working with noted producer/arrangers like Nelson Riddle, Billy May, Dave Cavanaugh and Les Baxter, so represents a substantial proportion of her recorded output. It provides an entertaining showcase for a versatile artist whose style encompassed elements of jazz, big band, R&B, gospel, boogie-woogie, blues and country, which enabling to appeal across the pop spectrum.Ella Mae Morse was one of the first white female singers to successfully and credibly bridge the gap between pop and R&B during the 1940s and is often regarded as a key figure in the early development of rock 'n' roll during that era. She started out as a big bad singer with Jimmy Dorsey's orchestra in 1939 when she was just 14 years old, and in 1942 joined Freddie Slack's band, which had just signed to the fledgling Capitol label. Her first recording with Slack was "Cow-Cow Boogie" which was a Top 10 hit and Capitol's first million-seller. She signed a solo deal with Capitol and over the next decade had a string of pop and R&B hits including Top 10 successes with "Mister Five By Five", "Shoo Shoo Baby", "No Love, No Nothin'", "Milkman Keep Those Bottles Quiet", "The Patty Cake Man" and "The Blacksmith Blues", all of which are included here. This great-value 54-track 2-CD set comprises selected A & B sides from the forty or so singles which she released before she gave up recording in 1957, working with noted producer/arrangers like Nelson Riddle, Billy May, Dave Cavanaugh and Les Baxter, so represents a substantial proportion of her recorded output. It provides an entertaining showcase for a versatile artist whose style encompassed elements of jazz, big band, R&B, gospel, boogie-woogie, blues and country, which enabling to appeal across the pop spectrum.