発売日: 2020/1/10輸入盤USレーベル: BMG Rights Managemen収録曲: 1.1 Parisienne Walkways (Live)1.2 The Prophet1.3 Rest in Peace1.4 Enough of the Blues1.5 Dancin'1.6 Fire1.7 Can't Help Myself1.8 Really Gonna Rock Tonight1.9 Power of the Blues1.10 Getaway Blues1.11 Rectify1.12 Rockin' and Rollin'1.13 Stand Up1.14 Ball and Chain2.1 Nuclear Attack2.2 Stormy Monday2.3 Run to Your Mama2.4 Cold Black Night2.5 Surrender2.6 Evil2.7 How Many Lies2.8 Tell Me Woman2.9 World of Confusion2.10 Bad News2.11 I Can't Quit You Baby2.12 Torn Inside2.13 Go on Home2.14 House Full of Bluesコメント:One of rock's most underrated guitarists (both from a technical and compositional point of view), Gary Moore is arguably one of the finest musicians that Britain has ever produced, with a career that dated back to the 1960s, there were few musical genres that Gary Moore had not turned his hand to. From his early beginnings in a local rock group called Skid Row, which featured a young singer by the name of Phil Lynott, who would soon after leave the group to double up on bass and form Thin Lizzy. Here we present 28 tracks of some of his greatest work including Parisienne Walkways, Nuclear Attack, Run To Mama, and Stormy Monday to name a few.One of rock's most underrated guitarists (both from a technical and compositional point of view), Gary Moore is arguably one of the finest musicians that Britain has ever produced, with a career that dated back to the 1960s, there were few musical genres that Gary Moore had not turned his hand to. From his early beginnings in a local rock group called Skid Row, which featured a young singer by the name of Phil Lynott, who would soon after leave the group to double up on bass and form Thin Lizzy. Here we present 28 tracks of some of his greatest work including Parisienne Walkways, Nuclear Attack, Run To Mama, and Stormy Monday to name a few.