発売日: 2020/7/17輸入盤SEレーベル: Black Lion Records収録曲: 1.1 Antecedent1.2 Archetype1.3 Boundaryless1.4 Annihilation Prophecy1.5 Continuum1.6 Virch1.7 The Fire And The Flesh1.8 Cloud Chaser1.9 My Final Fight1.10 The Dawn Of Retribution1.11 All For Them1.12 Relive This Nightmareコメント:Nemesium presents their 2020 debut album Continua. The album represents a true hybrid of all corners of extreme music, channeling various stylings from old school and modern death metal to the darkest melodic black metal from the '90s Scandinavian scene.Nemesium presents their 2020 debut album Continua. The album represents a true hybrid of all corners of extreme music, channeling various stylings from old school and modern death metal to the darkest melodic black metal from the '90s Scandinavian scene.