Emptiness / Vide(エンプティネス)



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2021/2/12 発売輸入盤レーベル: SEASON OF MIST収録曲:Belgian dark metal outfit Emptiness's new Season of Mist album Vide was meant as a claustrophobic album, a journey of an infinite mind stuck into a world too small. Questioning the essence of one's perceptions, this album invites you to rethink your grasp of reality. To that end, it was important for Emptiness to be isolated during it's "experimentations." Recordings would take place sometimes in confined spaces like apartments or a cabin in the woods, and sometimes on a city roof allowing to contemplate a strange human world from above. Involvement was strictly limited to the band members who took care of all audio production and visuals work. The pandemic and lockdown happened while recording was in progress; a materialization of the imaginary world being created. The album either by coincidence or not, is in tune with our dissonant times.


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either essence visuals coincidence happened