発売日: 2021/6/25輸入盤USレーベル: Capitol収録曲: 1.1 I Remember Now1.2 Anarchy-X1.3 Revolution Calling1.4 Operation: Mindcrime1.5 Speak1.6 Spreading the Disease1.7 The Mission1.8 Suite Sister Mary1.9 The Needle Lies1.10 Electric Requiem1.11 Breaking the Silence1.12 I Don't Believe in Love1.13 Waiting for 221.14 My Empty Room1.15 Eyes of a Stranger2.1 I Don't Believe in Love - Extended Version2.2 The Mission - Bonus Track2.3 My Empty Room - Bonus Track2.4 Interview with Queensryche - Speak the Word2.5 Overseeeing the Operation - B-Side2.6 The Lady Wore Black - Bonus Track2.7 Roads to Madness - Bonus Track3.1 *CD3 Operation: Mindcrime Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, England 19903.2 I Remember Now3.3 Anarchy-X3.4 Revolution Calling3.5 Operation: Mindcrime3.6 Speak3.7 Spreading the Disease3.8 The Mission3.9 Suite Sister Mary3.10 The Needle Lies3.11 Electric Requiem3.12 Breaking the Silence3.13 I Don't Believe in Love3.14 Waiting for 223.15 My Empty Room3.16 Eyes of a Stranger4.1 *Deluxe - CD4 Operation: Mindcrime Live from Wisconsin 19914.2 Remember Now4.3 Anarchy-X4.4 Revolution Calling4.5 Operation: Mindcrime4.6 Speak4.7 Spreading the Disease4.8 The Mission4.9 Suite Sister Mary4.10 The Needle Lies4.11 Electric Requiem4.12 Breaking the Silence4.13 I Don't Believe in Love4.14 Waiting for 224.15 My Empty Room4.16 Eyes of a Stranger5.1 *Deluxe - DVD Operation: Mindcrime Live / Promo Videos5.2 I Remember Now5.3 Anarchy-X5.4 Revolution Calling5.5 Operation: Mindcrime5.6 Speak5.7 Spreading the Disease5.8 The Mission5.9 Suite Sister Mary5.10 The Needle Lies5.11 Electric Requiem5.12 Breaking the Silence5.13 I Don't Believe in Love5.14 Waiting for 225.15 My Empty Room5.16 Eyes of a Stranger5.17 I Remember Now5.18 Anarchy-X (Promo Video)5.19 Revolution Calling (Promo Video)5.20 Operation: Mindcrime (Promo Video)5.21 Speak (Promo Video)5.22 Breaking the Silence (Promo Video)5.23 I Don't Believe in Love (Promo Video)5.24 Waiting for 22 (Promo Video)5.25 Eyes of a Stranger (Promo Video)5.26 Credits (Sister Mary Suite) (Promo Video)5.27 The Making of Operation: Mindcrime (Bonus Track)5.28 Operation: Mindcrime TV Spotコメント:Operation: Mindcrime