James Blunt / Stars Beneath My Feet (2004-2021)(ジェームス・ブラント)


James Blunt / Stars Beneath My Feet (2004-2021)(ジェームス・ブラント)


4,690 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2021/12/17輸入盤USレーベル: Atlantic収録曲: 1.1 Love Under Pressure1.2 19731.3 Wisemen1.4 Same Mistake1.5 You're Beautiful1.6 Monsters1.7 Tears and Rain1.8 Bonfire Heart1.9 I Really Want You (Live in New York)1.10 The Truth1.11 Heart to Heart1.12 Champions1.13 Postcards1.14 No Bravery (Live in London)1.15 Adrenaline2.1 Smoke Signals2.2 Unstoppable2.3 Goodbye My Lover2.4 Coz I Love You (Live at Glastonbury)2.5 So Long, Jimmy2.6 Carry You Home2.7 The Greatest2.8 I Really Want You (Live in New York)2.9 The Truth2.10 Heart to Heart2.11 Champions2.12 Postcards2.13 No Bravery (Live in London)2.14 Adrenalineコメント:Two CDs. 2021 hits collection from the British singer/songwriter. The Stars Beneath My Feet (2004-2021) celebrates songs spanning a stellar 17-year career that has spawned over 23 million album sales, a global smash hit with 'You're Beautiful', two Brit Awards and two Ivor Novello Awards, as well as receiving five Grammy Award nominations. Amongst the string of hit singles, The Stars Beneath My Feet (2004-2021) also includes four new songs ('Love Under Pressure', 'Unstoppable', 'Adrenaline' and 'I Came For Love'), as well as four exclusive live performances from around the world, including the Glastonbury Festival. It also features stunning tracks from his latest Gold-selling album Once Upon A Mind, including 'Cold', and the heartbreaking ballad for his father, 'Monster'.Two CDs. 2021 hits collection from the British singer/songwriter. The Stars Beneath My Feet (2004-2021) celebrates songs spanning a stellar 17-year career that has spawned over 23 million album sales, a global smash hit with 'You're Beautiful', two Brit Awards and two Ivor Novello Awards, as well as receiving five Grammy Award nominations. Amongst the string of hit singles, The Stars Beneath My Feet (2004-2021) also includes four new songs ('Love Under Pressure', 'Unstoppable', 'Adrenaline' and 'I Came For Love'), as well as four exclusive live performances from around the world, including the Glastonbury Festival. It also features stunning tracks from his latest Gold-selling album Once Upon A Mind, including 'Cold', and the heartbreaking ballad for his father, 'Monster'.


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Wisemen stunning -selling Bonfire Atlantic