発売日: 2022/7/22輸入盤USレーベル: Screwdriver Records収録曲: 1.1 Favourite1.2 Stay Wild1.3 Velvet Lies1.4 Masquerade1.5 Running with the Night1.6 Bad Love1.7 Let's Go Outside1.8 Brand New1.9 Need a Little More1.10 Forever Young1.11 Waiting for the Sun to Shineコメント:2022 release, the 12th album from one of the most successful girl groups in pop music history. For nearly four decades, Bananarama has been one of pop's most influential and revered groups. Their hit packed career happened because they were the mold-breakers. Sometimes reminders of pop genius come in the slightest of touches, the subtlest of triggers.2022 release, the 12th album from one of the most successful girl groups in pop music history. For nearly four decades, Bananarama has been one of pop's most influential and revered groups. Their hit packed career happened because they were the mold-breakers. Sometimes reminders of pop genius come in the slightest of touches, the subtlest of triggers.