Asphagor / Pyrogenesis


Asphagor / Pyrogenesis


2,990 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2023/12/31輸入盤USレーベル: MDD収録曲: 1.1 Ex Cathedra1.2 Nine Moons1.3 The Mizaru Doctrine1.4 Matricide1.5 The Great Erosion1.6 Scales of Retribution1.7 Pyrogenesis1.8 Summoning1.9 Pavor Nocturnus1.10 The Architect1.11 Ghost of Aphelionコメント:Black Metal Masterpiece! The Tyrolean collective Asphagor make an impressive return in 2023! With "Pyrogenesis", the quintet presents it's fourth studio album, which follows the highly acclaimed 2018 release "The Cleansing". On the 11 songs of over 60 minutes, the band offers sophisticated black and death metal at it's best, where fans of extreme sounds will get their money's worth!Black Metal Masterpiece! The Tyrolean collective Asphagor make an impressive return in 2023! With "Pyrogenesis", the quintet presents it's fourth studio album, which follows the highly acclaimed 2018 release "The Cleansing". On the 11 songs of over 60 minutes, the band offers sophisticated black and death metal at it's best, where fans of extreme sounds will get their money's worth!


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Nocturnus impressive Doctrine quintet release