発売日: 2023/10/20輸入盤UKレーベル: Captain Oi Import収録曲: 1.1 CF31.2 That's Alright1.3 Living with Unemployment1.4 Same Old Story1.5 Skinhead Times1.6 Garageland1.7 When I Was Young1.8 All Together Now1.9 5 4 3 2 11.10 No Justice1.11 Pressure Drop1.12 We're the Hooligans1.13 Substitute1.14 Nazi Nightmare1.15 Sleeping with the Enemy1.16 Fuck Fascism1.17 Madness1.18 Boots Are Made for Stompin'1.19 Skinhead Girl (New Version)1.20 CF31.21 Cum on Feel the Noize1.22 Mama Weer All Crazee Now1.23 Gudbuy T'jane1.24 The Afa Song1.25 Do Anything You Wanna Do1.26 Solidarity2.1 United We Stand2.2 Nobody's Fool2.3 Paedophile2.4 I Don't Wanna2.5 Blue Army2.6 I Don't Wanna (Spanish Version)2.7 Blue Army (Instrumental)2.8 Football Violence2.9 Remember2.10 Low Life2.11 Tonight Tonight2.12 Antifa Hooligans2.13 Monkey Man2.14 Brother Louie2.15 I Wanna Be Sedated2.16 Blitzkrieg Bop2.17 Head Kicked in2.18 Drunken Skinhead2.19 White Flag (New Version)2.20 The Greatest Cardiff Rip Off2.21 Cardiff Born2.22 Bluebirds Unite2.23 Sharp Anthem2.24 Crucify the Police2.25 Enoch Power2.26 This Machine2.27 Fuck Em All3.1 Fatal Blow3.2 Way of Life3.3 Last Orders3.4 Local Constabulary3.5 White Flag3.6 Riot3.7 Leave Me Alone3.8 Joe Hawkins3.9 Government3.10 It Ain't Right3.11 We're the Oppressed3.12 White Flag (Version 2)3.13 Urban Soldiers3.14 Ultra-Violence3.15 Run from You3.16 We're the Oppressed3.17 Leave Me Alone3.18 Violent Society3.19 Urban Soldiers3.20 Chaos3.21 Gun Law3.22 Riot3.23 Joe Hawkins3.24 Fight for Your Life3.25 Ultra Violence3.26 Government Out3.27 Run from You3.28 Skinhead Girl3.29 Don't Look Back3.30 Magistrate4.1 Victims4.2 Work Together4.3 Bad Man4.4 Angels with Dirty Faces4.5 Acab4.6 Substitute4.7 Nazi Nightmare4.8 B.N.P. (Your Full of Shit)4.9 Nazi Skinhead4.10 That's Life4.11 Borstal Breakout4.12 Hurry Up Harry4.13 Sunday Morning Nightmare4.14 Evil4.15 Sorry4.16 Wonderful World4.17 19844.18 We Can Do Anything4.19 Police Car4.20 Oi! Oi! Oi!4.21 I'm Not a Fool4.22 King of the Jungle4.23 Skinheads in Stapress4.24 Rebels with a Cause4.25 Violence in Our Minds4.26 Llanrumney Chorus4.27 Fuck Fascism4.28 Sleeping with the Enemy4.29 Work Together 19954.30 Evil in Magalufコメント:4CD clam shell box set containing the 113 studio tracks recorded by Welsh Oi! Legends The Oppressed between 1981 and 2018. Featuring the albums 'Oi! Oi! Music', 'Fatal Blow', 'We Can Do Anything' and 'Music For Hooligans' plus the singles 'Never Say Die', 'Victims', 'Anti Fascist Oi!', 'Fuck Fascism', 'Strength In Unity', 'The Noise', 'The Insurgence', 'Football Violence' and '2 Generations 1 Message'. Also includes tracks culled from rare split compilation albums, many of the songs getting a UK release for the first time. The booklet features detailed liner notes, pictures of every release and an overview by vocalist Roddy Moreno.4CD clam shell box set containing the 113 studio tracks recorded by Welsh Oi! Legends The Oppressed between 1981 and 2018. Featuring the albums 'Oi! Oi! Music', 'Fatal Blow', 'We Can Do Anything' and 'Music For Hooligans' plus the singles 'Never Say Die', 'Victims', 'Anti Fascist Oi!', 'Fuck Fascism', 'Strength In Unity', 'The Noise', 'The Insurgence', 'Football Violence' and '2 Generations 1 Message'. Also includes tracks culled from rare split compilation albums, many of the songs getting a UK release for the first time. The booklet features detailed liner notes, pictures of every release and an overview by vocalist Roddy Moreno.