Marillion / Marillion: Live From Loreley


Marillion / Marillion: Live From Loreley


3,290 円 (税抜き)

こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDですがリージョン=ALLですので国内製DVDプレイヤーでも視聴可能です。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Rock Music Video (Concert/Performance)発売日:2007/7/10収録分数:87収録曲目:1.1 Slainte Mhath1.2 Assassing1.3 Scrip for a Jester's Tear1.4 Incubus1.5 Sugar Mice1.6 Hotel Hobbies1.7 Warm Wet Circles1.8 That Time of the Nigth (Short Straw)1.9 Kayleigh1.10 Lavender1.11 Bitter Suite1.12 Heart of Lothian1.13 The Last Straw1.14 Incommunicado1.15 Incommunicado


1.16 End Credits


ディスク枚数:1コメント:Import exclusive NTSC/Region 0 DVD from the long running British progressive rock act. Features 15 of their high concept epic hits

in Surround Sound upmixed from original stereo recording

recorded live at St. Goarshausen, Freilichbuhnein Loreley on the banks of the Rhine, Germany on 18th July 1987. EMI. 2004.


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/Performance Kayleigh Surround Loreley Hobbies