こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーはこちらでご案内しております。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:War Drama War-Civil War発売日:2013/8/20収録分数:69公開年:1951出演者:Robert Easton Burke, Arthur Hunnicutt, Royal Dano, John Dierkes, Bill Mauldin, Audie Murphy, Frank McGrath, Dick Haynes, Robert Easton, Douglas Dick, Tim Durant, Robert Davis, Jimmy Clark, Frank Melton, Bill Hale, William Phillips, House Peters Jr., Dick Curtis, Casey MacGregor, Mack Chandler, Mickey Simpson, Duke York, George Offerman Jr., Benny Burt, Lyle Clark, Wilson Wood, Bert Davidson, Lee Roberts, Strother Martin, Eugene Gericke, Joe Haworth, Hugh Thomas, John Cliff, Joe Brown Jr., Norman Leavitt, Greg Barton, Billy Dix, Todd Karns, John Crawford, James H. Harrison, Robert Cherry, Dennis Dengate監督:John Hustonオリジナル言語:ENG, FREディスク枚数:1コメント:One war played out in front of the cameras, another raged behind them. Entangled in studio controversy during production and severely reedited for numerous reasons before release, the Red Badge of Courage intrigues with what it might have been. Yet half a century later, this National Board of Review 10 Best Films of 1951 selection still remains one of the movies' most memorable portraits of men at war. John Huston adapts and directs this tale of fear and bravery from Stephen Crane's novella, patterned by cinematographer Harold Rosson after Civil War photos of Matthew Brady. Audie Murphy, America's most decorated World War II hero, plays the untested youth first running from and later facing his fears, and G.I. cartoonist Bill Mauldin is his wise, easygoing pal. Pin a badge of honor on this overlooked classic.