Gong / Unending Ascending



3,290 円 (税抜き)

発売日: 2023/11/3輸入盤レーベル: Kscope収録曲: 1.1 Tiny Galaxies1.2 My Guitar Is A Spaceship1.3 Ship Of Ishtar1.4 O, Arcturus1.5 All Clocks Reset1.6 Choose Your Goddess1.7 Lunar Invocation1.8 Asleep Do We Layコメント:Following the passing of visionary & founding member, Daevid Allen, whose importance was celebrated on 2016's 'Rejoice! I'm Dead!' album & the forging of their own creative vision on 2019's 'The Universe Also Collapses', Gong continue their upward trajectory in 2023 with 'Unending Ascending'. The album is a return to relatively shorter songs, an eclectic eight-song cycle that forms a pan-galactic suite, veering between the ecstatic, apocalyptic, meditative & catchy, often within the same song.Following the passing of visionary & founding member, Daevid Allen, whose importance was celebrated on 2016's 'Rejoice! I'm Dead!' album & the forging of their own creative vision on 2019's 'The Universe Also Collapses', Gong continue their upward trajectory in 2023 with 'Unending Ascending'. The album is a return to relatively shorter songs, an eclectic eight-song cycle that forms a pan-galactic suite, veering between the ecstatic, apocalyptic, meditative & catchy, often within the same song.


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Galaxies Unending founding member Clocks