発売日: 2001/7/10輸入盤レーベル: Bgo - Beat Goes on収録曲: 1.1 Kids These Days1.2 Mink Julip1.3 Mother Earth1.4 Jamaica Say You Will1.5 Merrimack County II1.6 Gypsy Boy1.7 Wind on the Water1.8 Roll Away the Grey1.9 Seems the Songs1.10 Gone Down River1.11 Ladies Love Outlaws1.12 Hobo's Mandolin1.13 Indian Woman from Wichita1.14 Maggie1.15 Desperados Waiting for a Train1.16 Claim on Me1.17 Jenny Lynn1.18 Black Magic Gun1.19 No Regrets1.20 One Day I Walkコメント:These 1972 and 1974 albums for Columbia saw Tom moving into more country-oriented territory with songs like Guy Clark's Desperados Waiting for a Train and Bruce Cockburn's One Day I Walk. 20 tracks!These 1972 and 1974 albums for Columbia saw Tom moving into more country-oriented territory with songs like Guy Clark's Desperados Waiting for a Train and Bruce Cockburn's One Day I Walk. 20 tracks!