ヘマタイトバイオレットジェニュイン (Hematite Violet Genuine) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


ヘマタイトバイオレットジェニュイン (Hematite Violet Genuine) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


1,770 円 (税抜き)

Hematite Violet Genuine 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600157 Pigment: Genuine Hematite | Series: 3 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Granulating Hematite stones are milled to a fine pigment to create this stunning watercolor. Rich and shadowy violet washes are studded with a pattern of deep granulation. Bring excitement to neutral tones with this PrimaTek pigment - driftwood, tree bark, and rocky cliffs come alive with texture and drama. Be inspired by this rugged violet that stays true with excellent light fastness. Hematite is ground from a heavy silvery-black mineral rich in iron. In a thick wash, the heavier particles settle, creating bold granulation. In a thin wash, it is a beautiful reddish, violet gray, thick or thin, Hematite Violet mixes wonderfully with other colors. Hematite or the traditional Greek name, Bloodstone - when you paint, you can almost feel the pounding of the battle drums as ancient warriors covered their bodies with Hematite in the belief that they would be protected from mortal wounds. According to lore and superstition, large surface deposits of Hematite mark the site of hard fought battles, where the blood of fallen soldiers flowed into the ground.


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Granulating mineral excitement stunning fallen