アゾイエロー (Azo Yellow) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


アゾイエロー (Azo Yellow) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


1,770 円 (税抜き)

Azo Yellow 15ml tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600215 Pigment: PY 151 | Series: 3 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating DANIEL SMITH Azo Yellow Watercolor almost jumps off the paper, it's so brilliant, sunny and bright. The very essence of yellow, it's clear, powerful, vivid, semi-transparent, smooth and staining. Use this organic pigment to add light and sparkle to your paintings. It's also a versatile mixing color.


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brilliant Watercolor yellow Granulation Medium