At the Edge of Mangrove Forest The Suku Asli and the Quest for Indigeneity、 Ethnicity、 and Development (Kyoto Area Studies on Asia 29)


At the Edge of Mangrove Forest The Suku Asli and the Quest for Indigeneity、 Ethnicity、 and Development (Kyoto Area Studies on Asia 29)


3,520 円 (税抜き)

The Suku Asli and the Quest for Indigeneity、 Ethnicity、 and Development Kyoto Area Studies on Asia 29 OSAWA Takamasa (大澤 隆将) 京都大学学術出版会アット ジ エッジ オブ マングローヴ フォレスト オオサワ タカマサ 発行年月:2022年06月30日 予約締切日:2022年06月17日 ページ数:250p サイズ:全集・双書 ISBN:9784814004348 本文:英文 Introduction Positioning Suku Asli as Indigenous Peoples or an Adat Community/Under State Politics:State Formation,Ethnic Category,and Development Subjects/Identity as NonーMuslims:Orang Asli,Peranakan,and Ancestral Worship/Consolidation of People and Place:Foraging,Space,and Historical Continuity/Establishment of an Organization:Leadership,Power,and Government Intervention/Manifestation of Tradition:Adat,Performance,and Integration/Creation of Homogeneity:Agama,Buddhism,and Abstraction/The Ongoing Quest for Indigeneity 本 人文・思想・社会 民俗 風俗・習慣


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/Identity Historical Organization People ,Space