Introduction to Statistics Using Excel/縄田和満


Introduction to Statistics Using Excel/縄田和満

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著者縄田和満(著)出版社朝倉書店発売日2021年08月ISBN9784254122626ページ数173Pキーワードいんとろだくしよんとうーすたていすていくすゆーじん イントロダクシヨントウースタテイステイクスユージン なわた かずみつ ナワタ カズミツ9784254122626内容紹介1996年の刊行より版を重ねる学部初級向け統計学テキスト『Excelによる統計入門』第4版をもとに完全英文化。Excel操作の初歩から,記述統計,推定・検定,回帰分析など統計学の基礎へ展開。留学生教育,講義の英語化に待望の書。In this textbook, we will learn how to do data analyses using Microsoft Excel. This book summarizes the contents of the lecture in the University of Tokyo. The first edition of this book is written in 1996 in Japanese and 3 major revisions have been done over 20 years. This book is an English Edition of the 4th Edition, the latest one, published in 2020. (However, it is not just a simple translation).
※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次Introduction to Excel/Spreadsheet Work in Excel/Making Graphs/Inputting a Large Dataset/Sorting the Data and Obtaining the Data Matching Criteria/Analyzing the Data of One Variable Using the Frequency Table/Locations and Scatter Scales of the Distribution of the Variable/Analysis of Two‐Dimensional Data/Macros and User‐Defined Functions/Probability and Random Numbers/Estimation and Testing of the Normal Population/Tests of Relationships between Two Variables in Two−Dimensional Data/Regression Analysis


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lecture Analysis Graphs English revisions