サプライズボックス 爆発ボックス DIY アルバム クリエイティブ スクラップブック 祭りテーマ デザイン 飾り素材付き バレンタインデー・誕生日・卒業・記念日・祝い・母の日 プレゼント・ラブメモリー 記念日プレゼント・結婚式、六角型 ブラック (六角形状)

サプライズボックス 爆発ボックス DIY アルバム クリエイティブ スクラップブック 祭りテーマ デザイン 飾り素材付き バレンタインデー・誕生日・卒業・記念日・祝い・母の日 プレゼント・ラブメモリー 記念日プレゼント・結婚式、六角型 ブラック (六角形状)


3,898 円 (税抜き)

Hexagon Surprise Box

: DIY album according to your own thoughts and preferences. You can also place notes, handwritten messages and memories together. It will keep your precious memories ♥

5 Lids, 5 Surprises

: Every time you open the box lid, the box will expand and reveal a pop of photos and text. The "explosion" effect will surprise people. There are 5 lids so you can give 5 surprises. There is a small gift box in the middle for small gifts such as proposal rings, necklace, lipstick, perfume, watch, belt, year's card, memorabilia etc ♥


: The surprise box can be used in a wide range of situations. For example, it can also be used for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Wedding Anniversary, Teacher's Day, Valentine's Day, Birthday, Graduation, Children's Day, Growth Book. Record your precious memories in a surprise box ♥

Surprisingly Appreciated

:There is one small gift box inside, you can put it as rings, watches, necklaces, rouges, perfumes, photos, type cards and other gifts. It's a really unexpected surprise! It also comes with a gift bag ♥Product Specifications: Folding size: 7.9 x 6.7 x 5.3 inches (20 x 17 x 13.5 cm). Package: Finished product explosion box + 9 funny engines + 1 roll double sided tape + 1 roll + 2 photo corner stickers + 1 glass beads + 1 ribbon + 8 * color pen + 1 solid adhesive


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