チュチュベビー デンティスター 1 ブルー(0〜6ヶ月頃 授乳期用)


チュチュベビー デンティスター 1 ブルー(0〜6ヶ月頃 授乳期用)


770 円 (税抜き)

■内容:デンティスター1(0〜6ヶ月頃 授乳期用)×1
●Gently supports the natural development of the oral cavity Heretofore unseen dummy that makes it “difficult to develop buck teeth”
●Product developed jointly with Professor Rolf Heinz, a German authority on dentistry
●Material of the part to be held in the mouth thin to decrease the pressure on the from teeth and upper jaw.
●Secures the space for the tongue and allows its free movement
●With a special cap attached
●Made in Germany


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ロンフハイツ attached supports jointly tongue