Domaine des Miroirs Berceau 2015 / ドメーヌ デ ミロワール ベルソー 2015


Domaine des Miroirs Berceau 2015 / ドメーヌ デ ミロワール ベルソー 2015

Fine and Rare

293,000 円 (税抜き)

Domaine des Miroirs Berceau 2015 / ドメーヌ デ ミロワール ベルソー 2015 . 商品説明 My last name Kagami, meaning Miroir in the French language, I wanted our wine to be a mirror that projects my philosophy, Only by carefully observing the characteristics of each plot, the surrounding natural environment, the weather, the flora and fauna that inhabit the surroundings, it is possible to grow grapes in harmony with them.Our vineyards are located in a field overlooking the village of Gruss, surrounded by forests, where the old-fashioned landscape extends. This field, where grapes had been planted for generations until the 1950s, was gradually absorbed into the forest, due to work difficulties and low yields, which led people to abandon their grape making and move to fields where work could be done easily. This field, which had been abandoned and forested in the 1950s without herbicides, was the ideal environment for us when we planted the first grapes.Wine Score : 93/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1


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