赤: ブエナ・ピンタ(ボデガス・イ・ビニェードス・ポンセ)Buena Pinta(Bodegas y Vinedos Ponce)


赤: ブエナ・ピンタ(ボデガス・イ・ビニェードス・ポンセ)Buena Pinta(Bodegas y Vinedos Ponce)

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2,392 円 (税抜き)

容量:750ml 品種:モラビア・アグリア100% 醗酵:オーク樽醗酵(5000L)、オーク樽にてマロラクティック醗酵 熟成:オーク樽熟成10カ月(フレンチオーク、5000L、新樽は使用せず) 新しいスペインを担うポンセが新たに挑戦する地ブドウ。ブルゴーニュを彷彿とさせるきれいなスタイルに思わず声を出してしまうほど完成度の高いワインです。 ワイン・アドヴォケイト94点「The 2022 Buena Pinta has changed: in this vintage, it's pure Moravia Agria, an obscure Manchuela red grape with very good freshness, from a sandy granite vineyard, and it had a longer élevage in the 5,000-liter oak foudre until August, close to 11 months, to give it better balance. It was closed and austere and could remind you of a red from Galicia or a Cabernet Franc from the Loire. It has 12.5% alcohol and a round mouthfeel with hints of coal and graphite and spicy balsamic notes of bay leaf. It has a little more tannin and it's not compensated by the Garnacha like in previous years, so it's going to need some more time in bottle. 」


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changed ブルゴーニュ longer better closed