Uji tea, Houjicha, Gosyogaori (御所がおり)1000g bag

Japanese tea,Roasted green tea,

Uji tea, Houjicha, Gosyogaori (御所がおり)1000g bag


10,401 円 (税抜き)

Japanese tea. Roasted green tea ,Houjicha tea leaf This Houjicha is made in Uji (Kyoto), Marukyu-Koyamaen, which has been producing the finest tea in Japan. green tea, gyokuro, matcha, macha,Japanese tea, japanease green tea,japanease gyokuro,uji tea,ryokucya,sencya,sencha,tea leavesJapanese green tea. Houjicha tea leaf This Houjicha is made in Uji (Kyoto), Marukyu-Koyamaen, which has been producing the finest tea in Japan.


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-Koyamaen Houjicha ,japanease japanease matcha