ベートーヴェン/ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第9番 イ長調 op.47 (原典版/ヘンレ社)(Violin Sonata A major op. 47 (Kreutzer-Sonata)《輸入楽譜》


 ベートーヴェン/ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第9番 イ長調 op.47 (原典版/ヘンレ社)(Violin Sonata A major op. 47 (Kreutzer-Sonata)《輸入楽譜》

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ジャンル:ヴァイオリン出版社:Henle弊社に在庫がない場合の取り寄せ発送目安:8日〜31日作曲者:Ludwig van Beethoven/ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン校訂者:Sieghard Brandenburg/ジークハルト・ブランデンブルク運指研究者:Hans-Martin Theopold/ハンス=マルティン・セオポールドグレード:上級編成:ヴァイオリン/ピアノ解説:Beethoven wrote ten sonatas for violin and piano during a period of only fifteen years (from 1797 to 1812). It is impressive how in this genre he again pursued the principle of finding a new model for each individual work. In the Sonata in A Major op. 47, which is published here separately for the first time, a new dimension is introduced to the genre right by the cadenza-like opening, by the unaccompanied violin and by the concertante-virtuoso style throughout. On the original title page Beethoven aptly remarked: “scritta in un stilo molto concertante quasi come d’un Concerto”

written in a very concertante style, as if for a concerto

. He dedicated the sonata to the Parisian violinist Rodolphe Kreutzer, for which reason it is called the “Kreutzer Sonata”. Our meticulous Urtext edition is based on the fragment of the autograph, the German original edition, the English first edition and on an important manuscript copy from the workshop of copyist W. Schlemmer discovered by G. Henle Publishers. This copy, with corrections by Beethoven, served as the engraver’s copy for the original edition. Editor and Beethoven researcher Sieghard Brandenburg was also responsible for this work in the Beethoven Complete Edition. His preface, with important details concerning the edition, rounds off our edition of this masterpiece.ヘンレ原典版とは.....ドイツの名門出版社ヘンレは「作曲者自身の書いた自筆譜を検証し、出来るだけ原典に近づける」をコンセプトに専門家が十分な時間をかけて丁寧につくりあげた譜面を出版しています。また、ただ原典に忠実なだけではなく、その計算された美しいレイアウトは非常に読みやすく、世界中のプロのピアニスト・指導者・研究者・音大生などの圧倒的支持を得ています。こちらの商品は他店舗同時販売しているため在庫数は変動する場合がございます。9,091円以上お買い上げで送料無料です。


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impressive engraver called researcher written