Disc1 ジョン・ダウランド:リュート歌曲集1. Come away, come sweet love2. Come heavy sleep3. Wilt thou unkind thus reave me4. If my complaints could passions move5. My thoughts are wing’d with hopes6. Awake sweet love7. Sorrow, stay8. Fine knacks for ladies9. Flow my tears10. Shall I sue11. I saw my lady weep12. When Phoebus first did Daphne love13. Say, love, if ever thou didst find14. Fie on this feigning15. Weep you no more sad fountains16. Love those beams17. Sweet, stay awhile18. To ask for all thy love19. Were every thought an eye20. Shall I strive with words to moveDisc2 ロバート・ダウランド編纂によるルネサンス歌曲名曲集(1610年出版)より1. ジョン・ダウランド:Sir Robert Sidney His Galliard2. アントニー・ホルボーン:My heavie sprite, oppress’d3. リチャード・マーティン:Change thy mind since she doth change4. ロバート・ヘイルズ:O eyes, leave off your weeping5. 作者不詳:Go, my flock, go get you hence6. 作者不詳:O dear life, when shall it be?7. ダニエル・バチェラー:To plead my faith8. ギョーム・テシエ:In a grove most rich of shade9. ジョン・ダウランド:Far from triumphing court10. ジョン・ダウランド:Lady, if you so spite me11. ジョン・ダウランド:In darkness let me dwell12. ピエール・ゲドロン:Si le parler et le silence13. ピエール・ゲドロン:Ce penser qui sans fin tirannise ma vie14. ピエール・ゲドロン:Vous que le bonheur rappelled15. 作者不詳:Passava Amor su arco desarmado16. 作者不詳:Sta notte mi sognava17. 作者不詳:Vuestros ojos tienen d’Amor18. ドメニコ・マリア・メッリ:Se di farmi morire19. ジュリオ・カッチーニ:Dovro dunque morire?20. ジュリオ・カッチーニ:Amarilli mia bella21. 作者不詳:O bella ナイジェル・ロジャース(テノール) ポール・オデット(リュート:Disc1) アントニー・ベイルズ(リュート:Disc2) ジョルディ・サヴァール(ヴィオール:Disc2) 録音時期:1987年11月(Disc1) 1976年9月(Disc2) 録音場所:ロンドン、聖バルナバス教会(Disc1) スイス、ゼオン、福音教会(Disc2) 録音方式:ステレオ(デジタル:Disc1、アナログ:Disc2/セッション)曲目リストDisc11.CD1- The First Booke of Songes or Ayres: No. 11, Come Away, Come Sweet Love/2.The First Booke of Songes or Ayres: No. 20, Come Heavy Sleep/3.The First Booke of Songes or Ayres: No. 15, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?/4.The First Booke of Songes or Ayres: No. 4, If My Complaints Could Passions Move/5.The First Booke of Songes or Ayres: No. 3, My Thoughts Are Winged with Hopes/6.The First Booke of Songes or Ayres: No. 19, Awake Sweet Love/7.The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 3, Sorrow, Stay/8.The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 12, Fine Knacks for Ladies/9.The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 12, Fine Knacks for Ladies/10.The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 2, Flow My Tears/11.The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 19, Shall I Sue/12.The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 1, I Saw My Lady Weep/13.The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 6, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love/14.The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 7, Say, Love, If Ever Thou Didst Find/15.The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 16, Fie on This Feigning/16.The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Ayres: No. 15, Weep You No More Sad Fountains/17.A Pilgrimes Solace: No. 4, Love Those Beams/18.A Pilgrimes Solace: No. 2, Sweet Stay Awhile/19.A Pilgrimes Solace: No. 3, To Ask for All Thy Love/20.A Pilgrimes Solace: No. 6, Were Every Thought an Eye/21.A Pilgrimes Solace: No. 5, Shall I Strive with Words to Move?Disc21.CD2- The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Lisle, P. 38 Sir Robert Sidney His Galliard/2.My Heavie Sprite, Oppress'd with Sorrow's Might/3.Change Thy Mind Since She Doth Change/4.O Eyes, Leave Off Your Weeping/5.Go, My Flock, Go Get You Hence/6.O Dear Life, When Shall It Be?/7.To Plead My Faith/8.In a Grove Most Rich of Shade/9.Far from Triumphing Court/10.Far from Triumphing Court/11.Lady, If You so Spite Me/12.Lady, If You so Spite Me/13.In Darkness Let Me Dwell/14.Airs mis en tablature de luth, Troisme livre: Si le parler et le silence (Arr. Bataille)/15.Airs mis en tablature de luth, Troisme livre: Ce penser qui sans fin tirannise ma vie (Arr. Bataille)/16.Airs mis en tablature de luth, Troisme livre: Vous que le bonheur rappelle (Arr. Bataille)/17.Passava Amor Su Arco Desarmado/18.Sta notte mi sognava/19.Vuestros Ojos Tienen d'Amor/20.Se di farmi morire/21.Le nuove musiche: No. 11, Dovr dunque morire?/22.Le nuove musiche: No. 8, Amarilli mia bella/23.O bella pi