Church Stewardship and Accountability


Church Stewardship and Accountability


3,578 円 (税抜き)

Church Stewardship and Accountability 各カバーは個別ににない手作りのサンタフェ。レザーは柔らかく、しなやか。当社の最も素朴な外見、人気はフライトジャケット革色を付けることができます。 たい色カバーを戻してあなたのサイズを選択してください。ポケットのサイズはフィールドノートもフィットノートブックが適しています。 イタリアのベニスALPS少し外側にこのレザーtannery第6世代からであることを。英語扱われ1.2 mmの厚さ、アニリン染めで使用されます。また、ノーブランドのhumanely牛。これは、すべてのことが、世界では、それを柔らかく柔軟でで、何世代の最高品質のレザーです。当社のほとんどの素朴な色はフライトジャケットこれは、時間が経過すると、endup WWを探すように。パイロットフライトジャケットとなります。 このレザーは柔らかくてすべすべしたためにその本に適合するようにし、ボディず、多くのスペースに持ち運ぶことができます。 説明 Church stewardship is the force that drives The Church, but the speed at which it drives is a function of its ability and the direction to which it drives The Church is highly determined by its values. The failure of some church missions and ministries to attain purpose is neither because they were never assigned to the mission nor because they were destined to fail, but largely due to stewardship ineptitude. Amazingly, people are in church stewardship but are not able to appreciate its intrinsic expectations and responsibilities. The impact of such situation on The Church is better imagined than experienced. The efficiency of church stewardship is very critical to timely accomplishment of the mission of The Church. Indubitably, the credibleness of stewardship to The Church is in Accountability. The attainment of church purposes, the growth of The Church and its sustenance are only seamlessly achievable, if The Church is able to access the proper quality of stewardship to its management. Unfortunately, accessing the appropriate stewardship to efficiently manage the affairs of The Church have recently become an arduous challenge. This book provides insights to what Church Management and Church Stewardship entails. Definitely, it is a reliable resource to Christians, particularly, church workers, Christian institutions of learning as well as anyone aspiring to purposeful, efficient and effective stewardship, not only to The Church, but also to all other endeavors of life. If it is properly studied and appropriately applied, the benefits are huge and usually manifest faster than can be imagined. 商品コード20063936672商品名Church Stewardship and Accountability型番CVR-CAHIER-PKT-Rust OrangeサイズPocket Size (3-1/2 x 5-1/2)カラーオレンジ(Rust Orange)


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workers particularly usually Amazingly arduous