The Bushmen A Half‐Century Chronicle of Transformations in Hunter‐Gatherer Life and Ecology / JirOTanaka/〔著〕 MinakoSato/〔訳〕


The Bushmen A Half‐Century Chronicle of Transformations in Hunter‐Gatherer Life and Ecology / JirOTanaka/〔著〕 MinakoSato/〔訳〕

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3,960 円 (税抜き)

ご注文前に必ずご確認ください1 The Origins and History of the Khoisan:Bushmen and Khoi Khoi2 The Hunting and Gathering Life3 Comparative Ecology of African Hunter‐Gatherers4 Social Structure5 The World of Animals Viewed by African Hunter‐Gatherers6 The Transformation of Bushman Society7 The Development of the Permanent Settlement8 Long‐Term Cooperative Study9 Permanent Settlement and Development10 People Leaving Their Homeland商品番号:NEOBK-1651420JirOTanaka /


MinakoSato /


/ The Bushmen a Half Century Chronicle of Transformations in Hunter Gatherer Life and Ecologyメディア:本/雑誌重量:340g発売日:2014/01JAN:9784876983889The Bushmen A Half‐Century Chronicle of Transformations in Hunter‐Gatherer Life and Ecology


/ JirOTanaka/〔著〕 MinakoSato/〔訳〕2014/01発売


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Gatherer Chronicle Origins History MinakoSato