Others The Evolution of Human Sociality / KaoriKAWAI/〔編〕 MinakoSato/〔訳〕


Others The Evolution of Human Sociality / KaoriKAWAI/〔編〕 MinakoSato/〔訳〕

ネオウィング 楽天市場店

6,050 円 (税抜き)

ご注文前に必ずご確認ください1 Aspects of Others:Emergence Formation and Transformation(Approving Others and Incomprehensible Othes in Primate SocietyAre Animals“Others”or Are There“Others”to Animals? ほか)2 Others and Other Groups:How to Interact with the Counterpart(Who Is the Alpha Male?The Appearance of the“Other”in Chimpanzee SocietyEncountering the“Other”:How Chimpanzees Face Indeterminacy ほか)3 The Representation and Ontology of Others in Humankind(The Ontology of the Other:The Evolutionary Basis of Human Sociality and Ethics in the Formation and Continuation of Inuit SocietyAncestral Spirits Witchcraft and Phases of the Other in Everyday Life:The Case of the Bemba People of Zambia ほか)4 The Expanding Horizons of the Theory of Others(The Spirit as the Other:From the Iban EthnographyA History of the Distance Between Humans and Wildlife ほか)商品番号:NEOBK-2339693Kaorikawai /


Minakosato /


/ Others The Evolution of Human Socialityメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2019/03JAN:9784814002153Others The Evolution of Human Sociality


/ KaoriKAWAI/〔編〕 MinakoSato/〔訳〕2019/03発売


本・雑誌・コミック » 人文・地歴・社会 » 人文・思想 » 民俗学 » 民族学
Zambia Ethics Aspects Horizons History