ご注文前に必ずご確認ください1 The Evolution of Sociality(The Sociology of Anti‐Structure:Toward a Climax of GroupsAssembly of Solitary Beings:Between Solitude and“Invisible”Groups ほか)2 The Organization of Social Groups(The Ontology of Sociality:“Sharing”and Subsistence MechanismsViolence and the Autopoiesis of Groups:From the Ethnography of Pirates and Feuds ほか)3 The Formation and the Development of“We”Consciousness(From the“Here and Now Group”to the“Distant Group”:Hunter‐gatherer BandsPerceivable“Unity”:Between Visible“Group”and Invisible“Category” ほか)4 Towards a New Theory of Groups(Collective Excitement and Primitive War:What is the Equality Principle?Agency and Seduction:Against a Girardian Model of Society ほか)商品番号:NEOBK-1489744Kaorikawai /