Home care handbook for people with intractable neurological diseases Aiming to distribute better palliative care in Japan (単行本・ムック) / 成田有吾/編著 難波玲子/著 橋本司/著 荻野美恵子/著 高橋貴美子/著 妹尾昌幸/著


Home care handbook for people with intractable neurological diseases Aiming to distribute better palliative care in Japan (単行本・ムック) / 成田有吾/編著 難波玲子/著 橋本司/著 荻野美恵子/著 高橋貴美子/著 妹尾昌幸/著

ネオウィング 楽天市場店

1,100 円 (税抜き)

ご注文前に必ずご確認ください1 Concept of palliative care in neurology2 Discussing the diagnosis and plan for patientcarecoordinating an interview with patient and family3 Key points related to selection and explanation of medical care/intervention4 Pain in neurological intractable disease5 Supporting patients with communication equipment6 Treatment options and end‐of‐life practices for patients cared for at home7 epilogue8 Appendix商品番号:NEOBK-1393555Narita Yu Ware / Hencho Namba Reiko / Cho Hashimoto Tsukasa / Cho Ogino Mieko / Cho Takahashi Kimiko / Cho Seno Masayuki / Cho / Home care handbook for people with intractable neurological diseases Aiming to distribute better palliative care in Japanメディア:本/雑誌重量:340g発売日:2012/11JAN:9784861865329Home care handbook for people with intractable neurological diseases Aiming to distribute better palliative care in Japan


(単行本・ムック) / 成田有吾/編著 難波玲子/著 橋本司/著 荻野美恵子/著 高橋貴美子/著 妹尾昌幸/著2012/11発売


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points selection distribute Masayuki palliative