極東 ムツゴロウ 国語 12行 L10 日本ノート 4901470001138

Notebook national language 12 L10 which thinks about a learning notebook

極東 ムツゴロウ 国語 12行 L10 日本ノート 4901470001138


170 円 (税抜き)

◆本体重量:130gA characteristic: I support "I think" of children. A notebook to think about. Product specifications:
◆◆ ruled line with 12 length ruled lines, scale: Blue
◆ application school year:
◆ number of sheets true for 3-5 years: 30 pieces
◆Materials: 90% of middle paper wastepaper 100% cover wastepaper
◆Body size: 179* wide 252mm in height
◆Body weight: 130 gHow to order in shopping cart


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height middle support wastepaper children