マルアイ ミッフィーガーゼハンカチ多当 ブルー Pノ-MY10B マルアイ 4902850277112

Maruay gauze handkerchief many B Miffy P--MY10B4902850277112

マルアイ ミッフィーガーゼハンカチ多当 ブルー Pノ-MY10B マルアイ 4902850277112


472 円 (税抜き)

マルアイ ミッフィー ガーゼハンカチ多当 ブルー Pノ-MY10B9.5cm×18cmthe envelope by using the essentials of parenting in 9.5 cm × 18 cm gauze handkerchief. Please use as a handkerchief while after I gave as a celebration. Carousel exudes and soft shades of baby-friendly and off white ribbon town friendly atmosphere. Handkerchief in 100% cotton, made in Japan with peace of mind. Using baby-friendly dyes. Comes with Reed's birth celebrated and we celebrated two types. In the celebration of the birth of course, guests entrance celebration, etc. In the sack.How to order in shopping cart


日用品雑貨・文房具・手芸 » 冠婚葬祭 » のし紙
course Please shades Carousel atmosphere