オキナ A4プロジェクトペーパー 5ミリ方眼 オキナ 4970051021742

Okina project paper A4 5 millimeters squares 100 pieces PPA45S

オキナ A4プロジェクトペーパー 5ミリ方眼 オキナ 4970051021742


545 円 (税抜き)

◆無塩素漂白A characteristic: It is most suitable for the blue ruled line which is hard to appear in the copy, every planning. Product specifications:
◆Paper thickness: 64 g/square meter of white making paper by order paper
◆ number containing: 100 pieces of
◆ no chlorine bleachingHow to order in shopping cart


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/square containing making suitable planning