L1207 書きやすいルーズリーフ B5 5mm方眼(50枚入) マルマン 4979093120703(10セット)

Loose-leaf notebook B5 5 millimeters squares ruled line 26 hole 50 pieces L1207 B5 (ten sets) which it is easy to write

L1207 書きやすいルーズリーフ B5 5mm方眼(50枚入) マルマン 4979093120703(10セット)


2,250 円 (税抜き)

書きやすいルーズリーフ B5 5ミリ方眼罫 26穴 50枚 L1207 B5(10セット)特徴:使いやすく・書きやすく・わかりやすい、使い心地に差がでる「書きやすいルーズリーフ」商品仕様:
◆5mm方眼罫A characteristic: "The loose-leaf notebook which it is easy to write it" that it is easy to use it and is easy to write it, and a difference leaves in the plain feel Product specifications:
◆Size: The number of B5
◆ holes: 26 hole
◆ 50 pieces
◆ writing paper 80 g/square meter
◆ MPS800
◆ 5mm squares ruled linesHow to order in shopping cart


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leaves writing linesHow squares notebook