Postcard Chinese drawing paper (Echizen) making paper by hand style S137C 15 pieces (ten sets) for the Maruman picture letter
マルマン 絵手紙用ポストカード 画仙紙(越前) 手漉き風 S137C 15枚(10セット)特徴:顔彩、墨のにじみは少ないですが、色の出方がよく、吸い込みが良い国産画仙紙。絵手紙用ポストカード。商品仕様:
◆本体サイズ:横100×縦148mmA characteristic: The domestic Chinese drawing paper which there are few 顔彩, blurs of the sumi, but the way of coming out of colors is good, and suction has good. The postcard for the picture letter. Product specifications:
◆A use: 顔彩, sumi
◆ making paper by hand style manufacturing paper
◆ number of sheets: A zip code column and a stamp column are print
◆ postcards on the back of 15 pieces of
◆Materials: 240 g/square meter of Echizen Chinese drawing paper
◆Body size: 100* wide 148mm in heightHow to order in shopping cart