Zebrass lari multi-0.5N light blue B4SAS11-LB (we have a case of the assorted one piece of article on delivery date for priority)
箱買い商品 / 一箱200セット】ゼブラ スラリマルチ0.5Nライトブルー B4SAS11−LB (納期優先の為単品詰合せの場合が御座います)こちらの商品はメーカーより取り寄せの為、お急ぎの場合は事前にお問い合わせお願い致します。箱買い商品 / 一箱200入り】最大径φ13.8×全長154.3mm16.6g濃く、なめらかな書き味のエマルジョンインク搭載のボールペンとシャープが使える多機能ボールペンです。Surarimulti。
◆替芯:EK−0.5芯、替消しゴム:JIn the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker.
I buy a box and enter product / one 200
Five sets are this Ten sets are this Greatest dimension φ 13.8* full length 154.3mm16 .6 g are dark and are the smooth multifunctional ball-point pen that I write it, and ball-point pen and Sharp mounted with emulsion ink of the taste are usable. Surarimulti.◆Emulsion ball-point pen black, blue, red, green 0.5mm+ sharp 0.5mm
◆ ink:
◆ extra lead with emulsion ink
◆ knock-type
◆ rubber grip: EK-0.5 core, a spare eraser: Jゼブラ スラリマルチ0.5Nライトブルー B4SAS11−LB 4901681316724