Postcard 特厚口画用紙 40 pieces S141C for the Maruman picture letter
マルマン 絵手紙用ポストカード 特厚口画用紙 40枚 S141C(20セット)特徴:鉛筆や水彩など様々な画材で描くことができる画用紙。絵手紙用ポストカード。商品仕様:
◆本体サイズ:横100×縦148mmA characteristic: The drawing paper which I can draw in various art supplies including a pencil and the picture in watercolors. The postcard for the picture letter. Product specifications:
◆A use: Colored pencil, picture in watercolors
◆ 特厚口
◆ number of sheets: A zip code column and a stamp column are print
◆ postcards on the back of 40 pieces of
◆Materials: 204.8 g/square meter of drawing paper
◆Body size: 100* wide 148mm in height