B4プロジエクトペ-パ- 5S オキナ 4970051021773(30セット)

Okina project paper PPB45S B4 5mm squares

B4プロジエクトペ-パ- 5S オキナ 4970051021773(30セット)


15,270 円 (税抜き)

お得なセット販売はこちら商品詳細: コピーに写りにくいブルー罫線を使用した方眼紙「プロジェクトペーパー」。製図・レポート・ラスフケッチ・アイデアメモなど、フリープランニングに最適です。資料として残したい書類もきれいにコピーできます。使いやすい罫内容で、実用品らしいシャープなデザインも人気。
●製本:天のり綴じThe product details: The graph paper "project paper" using the blue ruled line which is hard to appear in the copy. It is most suitable for the free planning including drafting, the report ラスフケッチ idea memo. I can copy the documents which I want to leave as a document neatly. By the ruled line contents which it is easy to use, the sharp design like the daily necessity is popular.
●A standard: B4
● ruled line contents: A 5mm squares ruled line
● ruled line color: Blue
● body size: 364* wide 257mm in height
● number of sheets: 50 pieces of
● text paper: White making paper by order paper
● basis weight: 64g/
● binding: Sky paste binding


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