Great Savings With Water Powered Cars Learn How To Convert Your Vehicle To A Water Fuel Car And Drive Around Using Water As Car Fuel And Increase Mileage, Save Fuel, Save Money And Save The Planet All At The Same Time


Great Savings With Water Powered Cars Learn How To Convert Your Vehicle To A Water Fuel Car And Drive Around Using Water As Car Fuel And Increase Mileage, Save Fuel, Save Money And Save The Planet All At The Same Time


645 円 (税抜き)

Can you really make your car run on water? The answer is YES, ABSOLUTELY because fuel energy can be extracted from water when used as an add-on to gasoline or diesel fuel. A car that can run on water is commonly believed to be a thing out of science fiction and that anyone selling it on the market is a hoax or scam.  Water powered cars that use hydrogen-oxygen mix is, in fact, a reality. The very first internal combustion engine (ICE) ran on hydrogen from water. A water powered car is simply a car which uses water as fuel. The technology of water fuel has been in the history books since the 1800’s. Many patents and inventions in countries such as the USA, Australia, New Zealand and India have come and go throughout the years but we’re only starting to see it as reality in our times because of major technology breakthroughs. Major car manufacturers today like BMW and Honda already have a well-developed technology. Turning your vehicle into a water powered car is easy and inexpensive. You can make one yourself or buy a conversion kit from your local hardware store or auto parts supplier where you can get everything you need for $50 or $100. This book is a detailed guide that will help you learn everything you need to perform the conversion. You will get step by step instructions on: ·         How to measure your current operating temperature             ·         How to build the control circuit             ·         How to build the throttle control             ·         How to create the reaction chamber             ·         How to choose the right car to water kit Water fuel is a remarkable alternative fuel. If you can make your car run on water, you can obtain great savings in so many ways: increase in mileage, lesser fuel consumption, cost-savings on gas money and you help reduce the damage of carbon depletion to the planet.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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