Rebirth (Channeling Morpheus 5)


Rebirth (Channeling Morpheus 5)


317 円 (税抜き)

Michael never put much stock in clich?s, but there’s one he probably should have listened to: You can never go home again. His family assures him that plenty of young people take a few semesters off between high school and college, that a year of travel is practically a prerequisite nowadays. His father can pull a few strings, and he’ll be a freshman at ISU by September. Michael has neglected to tell them that he’s not just driving around aimlessly, stopping only to have sex with his chain-smoking boyfriendーthat, in fact, he’s hunting vampires. After a disastrous family reunion, Michael unearths a vampire commune where he and Wild Bill can settle down. But Michael is the only human in residence, and the other vampires can’t stop themselves from sniffing around him. In the words of Wild Bill, “This can’t be good.” (Explicit gay content)画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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school vampires reunion September Michael