Patroclus and Penelope: A Chat in the Saddle


Patroclus and Penelope: A Chat in the Saddle


640 円 (税抜き)

But a few months since, the author, whose thirty odd years in the saddle in many parts of the world have, he trusts, taught him that modesty which should always be bred of usage, was showing some of the instantaneous photographs of his horse Patroclus to a group of Club men. Most of the gentlemen were old friends, but one of the photographs having been passed to a by-stander, whose attire marked him as belonging to the most recently developed Boston type of horsemen, elicited, much to his listeners' entertainment, the remark that "naw man can wide in a saddle like that, ye know, not weally wide,画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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horsemen thirty always having weally